Stamford Citizens' Advice bureau

Created by caroline 3 years ago

In 1975 I was working at Oakham CAB when an opportunity arose to establish a new bureau in Stamford. Once appointed, I set about finding premises and recruiting volunteers. It was not long before I was approached by Stella and her friend Sheila Caldwell. People like this were invaluable because they knew how Stamford functioned, who to consult locally, where there might be premises available etc. Stella was certainly one of my most respected advisers. She was always reliable, empathetic and (essentially) non-judgmental; if the client had a problem, she would do  her best to suggest possible ways forward. She also had a sense of humour, which was most important!

I left Stamford CAB in 1980. Thereafter I kept in touch with Stella at intervals. We would talk on the phone or meet up for lunch, together with Rachel and Anne, two other advisers from the Stamford bureau. We always teased her about her jet-setting lifestyle, flying off to America, Poland etc. Unfortunately, Covid-19 put an end to these meetings, which we will certainly miss not being able to pick up again.
