Visits to Stamford

Created by Nicky 3 years ago

On many occasions in recent years, when Jean has 'popped over' from Poland to England to see Stella, I have 'popped down' from the north of the county to rendezvous with her at Primrose Villas.  I enjoyed these visits immensely, not only because I was able to meet up with my close friend but also because seeing Stella was always such fun.  She was unfailingly welcoming, a generous hostess (I always managed to arrive before lunch!) and it was lovely spending time chatting to her.  Her kindness, intelligence and indomitable spirit shone through, as did her no-nonsense approach to life.  I was impressed years ago by her alacrity to embrace the digital world, communicating with her widely-spread family on Skype long before I was 'hooked-up'.  She was also ordering Ocado deliveries online before I'd even heard of Ocado!  Some years ago she was severely struggling with her mobility, her hips having seized up.  Next visit, perhaps a year later, both hips had been successfully replaced and Stella was virtually running up the stairs! Truly inspirational.

I know Stella loved greatly and was greatly loved.  Her family and friends will miss her, but we are all grateful to have known her and been a part, large or small, of her long and well-lived life.